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Hard Lane

New Domestic Development

Four stunning new build detached houses and a large bungalow have been built in the charming, picturesque village of Kiveton Park located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

Hard Lane

Advise and influence the installation of permanent gas, water and electric connections. We also completed the BT Openreach registration to allow connectivity. This project presented challenges due to the electric needing a legal easement and the gas requiring a wayleave.
An easement is a legal right that gives one person or entity the right to use another person’s land for a
specific purpose. Easements are a type of property right and can be used to grant rights of way, access to services, or other limited uses of another person’s land, they also enable drains and services to cross property boundaries as part of a connected system. A wayleave is permission from the landlord, or land owner, to access their building or private land to install or repair network and equipment. If not done efficiently these can be lengthy processes and therefore have a knock on effect on desired timescales.

Our Solution
Efficient Easement Process: We aim to meet the customer’s timescales for their project, however, we
encountered a problem on this particular job due to the electric main needing a legal easement. We
influenced the pace of the process significantly through proactive correspondence with all parties involved
and ensuring that urgent action was taken.
Coordination with Networks: We appointed an Independent Connections Provider who had a strategic
relationship with an Independent Gas Transporter (IGT), they agreed to work on a wayleave basis rather than
executing an easement, enabling a swift installation of mains and services.
Existing Positive Relationships: Due to us having a positive relationship with the statutory Network owner,
Northern Powergrid, we were able to agree a temporary wayleave during the easement process. This allowed an electric service connection to plot one that the developer utilised for temporary building purposes, enabling them to remove a costly generator.
Permanent Utility Connections: We coordinated the installation of gas, water and electric service connections to all four plots and the installation of BT Openreach. Our works concluded with the installation of electric meters, and the removal of an electric pole in one of the gardens.

Effective Collaboration: Our role and positive relationships proved to be a crucial part of the development of
these houses, through collaborating with the necessary networks through the easement and wayleave process we managed to save the customer a longer delay in getting the properties connected.
Successful Installation of Utilities: These beautiful houses are fully functioning with gas, water, electric and fibre broadband.

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